GM'ing is not a fun role after all. You don't get to play a character but are tasked with building a world that your players can inhabit and do things in. D&D remedied this with their board games which are co-op, yet sadly for paper and pen games where the majority of the resources are self-made, there is no option. Don't get me wrong, board games are great and all, but your limited by what is given to you.
So here is the solution for gamer's that want to seriously play a table top rpg, yet none of them want to GM. Split the role up between you. Salvage old material from old board games. Get creative, and make things that don't make sense to anyone accept you and your group. Use the dice as a decider, whereas cards are used in the D&D board games. Just have fun. And remember, it's just a game and you can err on a 20 sided die.
Keep your eyes peeled for those GM'less gaming rules that I will be writing shortly and game testing.
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